Accessibility Tools

CART, Communication Access Realtime Translation, is the most widely used technology for providing instant translation of the spoken word into English text. As a co-developer of the 1CapAppstreaming text platform, we did not leave anything out! The text can be viewed on a computer monitor, television screen or projection screen, iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, iOS, Android or Kindle.

20/20 Captioning & stenoCART provides the following CART services:

  • Onsite CART: Requires the realtime writer to travel to your location. Consumers view the translation from a laptop computer, television screen or projection screen. 
  • Remote CART: Requires the realtime writer to be at an offsite location. The consumer needs only a computer with an Internet connection located in the room where the meeting or event will take place. The streamed text is sent to the consumer’s computer over the Internet in approximately 3 seconds.
  • Overhead or Projected CART: Designed to provide communication access for large groups. This service is frequently used at conferences and special events to project text onto large screens or monitors placed throughout the room.

Examples of remote and onsite CART include, but are not limited to, the following:

• Weddings • Law Review
• City Council • Conventions
• Web Seminars • Conference Calls
• Funeral Services • Religious Services
• Corporate Training • Business Meetings
• Educational Setting • Doctor’s Appointment
• Video Internet Training • Graduation Ceremonies
• Retirement Communities • City and County Government
• Schools in a Rural Community • Legislative Sessions or Hearings

Benefits of CART:

  • Flexible: CART can be used in a variety of settings, whether one-on-one, or in small or large groups.
  • Versatile: The consumer has the ability to change the font size, background and foreground colors of the text to suit their needs.
  • Accessible: Easy to set up and use. No messy cables required.
  • Convenient: The consumer can view the realtime streaming text on an iPhone, Blackberry, iPad, iOS, Android, Tablet or Kindle.
  • Full participation: The consumer has the opportunity to be involved due to word-for-word translation with all environmental sounds.
  • Total communication: CART provider can be the voice for the consumer.
  • Transcript of event: Complimentary transcript available within hours of event.

Needing more information?  Let our friendly and experienced staff help you. Chat live, e-mail or call today for a FREE demonstration.


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